Please contact us by the inquiry form if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years. Check the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific model.
Leave the building immediately and call the gas company or East Dundee Fire Protection District at 911 from a safe location.
Install carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your home and near sleeping areas. Have your heating system, water heater, and any other gas or oil appliances serviced annually by a qualified technician.
The tornado warning sirens are activated by an emergency dispatch center located in Carpentersville. When a tornado warning is issued, the sirens are activated to alert the public that a tornado has either been sighted by a trained spotter or that the National Weather Service has indicated one on the radar. You are to take cover immediately in a basement or center room with no windows in your house. PLEASE do not call the Police or Fire Stations as the personnel on duty become very busy at this time. Turn on an AM radio or television for weather updates and wait for an ALL CLEAR to be reported. Sirens are tested on the first Tuesday of each month.
The East Dundee Fire Protection District does not take household-hazardous waste products. Check with the County that you live in to inquire whether or not a designated hazardous waste disposal drop-off location has been established for your area. DO NOT THROW THESE ITEMS IN THE TRASH. Chemicals can radiate heat and if mixed can produce spontaneous combustion.
High-risk groups include children, senior citizens, persons with heart or respiratory ailments, and pregnant women.
The East Dundee Fire Protection District's fire engine is Advanced Life Support licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health. There are at least one or two licensed paramedics on these vehicles to start initiating care if they should arrive before the ambulance. The crews also assist the ambulance paramedics with lifting patients and assisting with medical care to ensure you are given the best treatment possible.
Make sure all furnace controls and emergency shut-offs are in good condition and accessible. Also, have your furnace inspected annually by a licensed professional. Keep trash and combustible materials away from the furnace. Inspect the chimney and flue for cracks or holes. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for other maintenance recommendations.
While space heaters are legal and widely used, the Fire Department does not recommend their use because they can pose certain hazards. Before using a space heater always make sure you have a functioning smoke and carbon monoxide detector. Use only safety-listed space heaters that are labeled with the U.L. or A.G.A. certification.
Kitchen fires! Never warm up your house with the stove, unplug unused appliances, and always make sure all, especially gas, appliances are turned off after use or when you leave your home.
Sit down with all members of the family and discuss escape routes to the outside from each room in the residence. Family members should identify a “meeting place” in front of the residence to all members can be accounted for after the escape. Whatever plan you develop, it should be practiced at different times of the day.
Currently, East Dundee Fire District does not collect to dispose of drugs or sharps.