Message from the Chief:
Thank you for taking time to learn more about the East Dundee Fire Protection District. We provide fire and life safety services to the village of East Dundee and portions of the villages of Barrington Hills and South Barrington, and areas in the unincorporated Cook and Kane counties. As you will see from our website, we provide a range of programs to the communities we serve that include emergency response and fire/life safety inspection and education programs. We are active participants in the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS), aiding our neighboring communities when called upon. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our organization or our services. If you are in the area, please stop and visit our station. Thank you again for taking the time to visit our website. It provides excellent information on our organization.
Jason Parthun
Fire Chief
Chief Jason Parthun has been a career firefighter with the East Dundee fire district since 2004 after coming to EDFD with prior experience from other area fire departments. Chief Parthun rose through the ranks holding all positions in the organization culminating in being appointed Fire Chief in 2019.
Education & Training:
Chief Parthun has a bachelor’s degree in Fire Service Administration, an associate degree in Fire Science, and over thirty Illinois State Fire Marshal Certifications.
Chief Parthun is internationally credentialed as a Chief Fire Officer from the Center for Public Service Excellence, and he is one of only 1600 Chief Officers Worldwide to receive this credential.
Chief Parthun currently serves as Chairman of the Illinois Fire Chief’s Association Volunteer and Combination Officer’s Committee. He served as president of the Kane County Fire Chief’s Association in 2022. He is a member of the executive board for the Kane County Arson Task Force and serves as an adjunct instructor for Elgin Community College’s Fire Science Program.
Fire Chief Jason Parthun